Saturday, August 8, 2015

Assess Me Linky: Week 2

My mom is in town for her 60th birthday....and is currently taking a nap. My other half is watching golf while simultaneously reading a book. I have a few minutes to myself!!

I saw this on my **New Friend** Science Beans in the Middle's page and I decided maybe I needed to get in on this action. I think these Link-ups are going to be my favorite thing about blogging. Hopefully...eventually...more people will be reading my page other than just me!

1. Jeans because even though it's summer, my thighs are my own personal body image issue. Thunder thighs make skirts a tricky purchase...and a slightly uncomfortable option sometimes...big in the waist, tight in the hips.
2. Earrings because even though I love necklaces, when I don't have earrings in, I feel NAKED. It's similar to how I feel without a watch....
3. JZ's Big Pimpin' for sure. I am a product of the 80's so by the time JZ came around I was actually enjoying music. I remember my friend Lauren and I singing in the car one day with the windows rolled down and we saw some guy drive by in his Plymouth Breeze trying to look cool with "Big Pimpin' on the stereo. Needless to say we followed him and started singing, "Big Pimpin' in my Plymouth Breeze..." down the parkway. be a teenager again.
4. Silver because SILVER.
5. City because that's wear I was raised (right outside D.C.) and because I find that I appreciate the country when I get to go and get away from everything. I feel like I would take it for granted if I was there ALL of the time.
6. Online because right now all I do is sit on the computer and plan, plan, create, plan, create, plan.
7. Showers because I don't have a stopper in my tub currently :(
8. Open book because it's how I've always been...I literally know no other way.
9. Busy bee because who isn't right before Back2School??!!
10. I can always do without breakfast, but dinner? Dinner is what I look forward to all day. Time with my other half, yummy scrumptious food. What's not to love?
11. Tea because I love tea. It reminds me of my grandmother, who is essentially to me what Ghandi was to the peace and tolerance movement.
12. Night Owl. but only until school starts. I'm already training myself to get up a little earlier each day to get back in the swing of things.
13. I get "Done Up" like ONCE a month. Undone is my natural state, and I like it that way.
14. Thunder because that rumble feels good in my soul.
15. Flats because I'm practical. #honesty
16. Normally, I would have chosen airplane...but my better half and I have taken a LOT of road trips already this year and it has been amazing for our relationship.
17. Girls because Zoey Deschanel's character kind of annoys me MORE than Lena Dunham's.
18. Central Air because August in Virginia Beach is nothing if not STIFLING.

Thanks for reading! Hope your weekend rocks! Guess what I'm doing tomorrow? Playing bingo!! Sound lame? Check out this photo from last weekend.

 Don't knock it till you try it, friends.



  1. thanks for the mention :) we do have a lot in common! these linkup parties are addicting! I want to do them all lol and nice job winning all that money!

  2. I think I need to start playing BINGO!
    Sunshine, Sand and Scissors

    1. Amen to that, sister!. I went this past weekend too...............nada. The BINGO Gods were not feelin' me this time. Don't think it will stop me though! My name is Brianna and I'm a Bingaholic. :)
