Wednesday, August 5, 2015

CURRENTLY for August

Hello, my name is Brianna and I am....a CURRENTLY virgin.

This is my first one! FAKE IT in the big time blogger world until you MAKE IT in the big time blogger world!

I have been reading Farley's blog for I'm joining her and everyone else. Pretty awesome.

I am currently wondering (for the second time in as many days) what in the world my puppy is dreaming about. He's not really a puppy at NINE years old...but in my heart, he'll always be one. #amiright? #IAMSORIGHT

I am LOVING the peace and quiet in my house right now. I can just make TPT creations...BLOG...make schedules, To-Do's a teacher's heaven.

I am thinking that probably I will forget to blog once school starts. I don't want to though...somebody....anybody take pity on my young blogger self and keep me on track!

I am wanting Quicken to hurry up already. Mama needs some savings!

I am NEEDING...and I express that in all caps for a take a shower and start my day outside of my teaching black hole. I'm not kidding...I get sucked in, never to return some's bad. my R.A.K, in Target yesterday I spotted these #adorbs little owl cutouts and stamps. Not being an owl person myself, but recognizing their appeal, I immediately texted to see if a colleague of mine wanted them, and picked them up for her on the spot. SOOOOO CUTEEEEEEE! first CURRENTLY is complete. Hopefully, I'll still be around for the next one!



  1. I am a new blogger and first time currently too! it's pretty fun! love the target dollar bin finds, always gets me when I go :)

  2. Welcome to the Currently! I'm not a big time blogger either, but Currently is a great way to meet new bloggers! Target Dollar Spot = LOVE!

    Fabulous Fun in Grade 1

  3. Peace and quiet is so great! But hard to come by because I have a 16 month old. Thanks for the tip on the Dollar Spot, I'll be making a trip to Target soon!
